Coláiste Ghlór na Mara

Office 365

Office 365
Baintear úsáid as Office 365 mar ardán cumarsáide agus foghlama tríd an scoil uilig. Sna ranganna, baintear úsáid as OneNote Class Notebook chun na hachmhainní ar fad a bhaineann leis na hábhair a roinnt ó mhúinteoirí go daltaí. Is féidir leis na daltaí a gcuid oibre a roinnt leis na múinteoirí tríd OneNote comh maith. Leis sin, tá deis ag daltaí obair comhroinnte a dhéanamh ar OneNote freisin.
Baintear úsáid as Outlook mar an príomhardán cumarsáide sa Choláiste. In éineacht le hOutlook agus OneNote, baintear úsáid as na haipeanna uile Microsoft sna ranganna nuair is cuí.
Office 365 is used as the school's primary communication and learning platform. In the classroom, OneNote Class Notebook is used to share resources and learning materials from the teachers to the students. Students can also share their completed work with their teachers through OneNote and they can also use the collaboration space to collaborate during classes.
Outlook is used as the school's main communication platform. Along with Outlook and OneNote all of the other apps in the Office Suite are used when appropriate in all classes.
Feabh 04
Bréagscrúduithe/Mocks (Bliain 3 agus 6)
Feabh 17
Briseadh Meántéarma/Mid-term Break
Feabh 27
Cruinniú Tuismitheoirí (Bliain 3)/Parent Teacher Meetings (3rd Year)
Már 13
Cruinniú Tuismitheoirí (Bliain 1)/Parent Teacher Meetings (1st Year)
Bóthar na hAille, Baile Brigín, Co. Átha Cliath, K32 WV18.
01 8416269
Teagmháil linn
Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Coláiste Ghlór na Mara