Coláiste Ghlór na Mara

Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023

Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023

Noya, buaiteoir an chomórtais litríochta

We had a fantastic week celebrating literacy in Colaiste Ghlór na Mara. The week commenced with some difficult riddles posted for each class and they were required to send their answers to Múinteoir Danielle. There was a lot of playful bickering and confusion, but Múinteoir Danielle received a lot of correct answers from our clever bunch!

Across the curriculum, different iniatives were demonstrated in each class to incoporate literacy into all subjects. This showed the important of reading and writing through different mediums and the importance of literacy in every subject, which was well received.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we engaged in a 'Spelling Bee' competition with Senior and Junior students at lunchtime. Múinteoir Rónán, Michelle, Fiachra, Amy and Andrea, who were facilitating the event, all agreed that the words were extremely challenging at times and were impressed by students' drive. Because of our great turnout, we were able to engage in a very exciting contest! In Wednesday's final, Noya won in very close circumstances for the Juniors and Ciara Nic Giolla Phádraig came out on top for the Seniors in a very tight competition.

The whole school engaged in DEAR (Drop everything and Read) on multiple occasions during the week. It was reported back that students enjoyed the time to actually sit and read, without distractions and this was brilliant feedback to hear. Some said it was a peaceful time of reflection and even in the short period of time, reignited a passion for a good book.

At lunchtime on Thursday, we had an open lunch for the library. Múinteoir Niamh has done trojan work getting it ready in order for students to be able to take out books and we used the session to demonstrate to students how the online borrowing system works. The students who attended were given biscuits and engaged in quiet reading and discussion in different pods of the library. The library will be open every Thursday at lunchtime, for students to come and borrow the amazing selection of books Múinteoir Niamh has sourced for the library.

Múinteoir Fiachra and some of his wonderful students recorded a short film featuring many students and teachers in the school community. He questioned them on their favourite novel, play, and podcasts which we hope will be a great influence on viewers.

Múinteoir Amy is leading a reading competition between first year classes, which is an ongoing contest until the Easter Holidays. Students will try and read as many novels as they can in the time period. Good luck to all involved!

We would like to thank all the students, staff and parents for your participation and support throughout the week. We feel it was of great benefit to all involved!

Hope you enjoy all the pictures from a great Literacy Week

Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023Seachtain Litearthachta 2023/Literacy Week 2023
Feabh 04
Bréagscrúduithe/Mocks (Bliain 3 agus 6)
Feabh 17
Briseadh Meántéarma/Mid-term Break
Feabh 27
Cruinniú Tuismitheoirí (Bliain 3)/Parent Teacher Meetings (3rd Year)
Már 13
Cruinniú Tuismitheoirí (Bliain 1)/Parent Teacher Meetings (1st Year)
Bóthar na hAille, Baile Brigín, Co. Átha Cliath, K32 WV18.
01 8416269
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© 2025 Coláiste Ghlór na Mara